Sarita Schoenebeck |
I am a Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan where I direct the Living Online Lab (LOL). My research focuses on equity and justice online. Some current projects are focused on deepfakes and sexual violence, consent and privacy in automated systems, and technology policy. At UM, I am a faculty affiliate with the Digital Studies Institute, the Science and Technology in Public Policy program, and the Michigan Institute for Data Science, among others. Externally, I am a member of the Yale Justice Collaboratory and I was previously a Fellow at the Center for Democracy and Technology and the Yale Information Society Project. I was an Adjunct Professor at UM's Law School in 2022 and a Visiting Professor at Yale Law School in 2021.
My work has received Best Paper and Honorable Mention Awards at CHI and CSCW and I received the NSF CAREER award, the UMSI Faculty award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the ACM CSCW Service award. My work has been covered regularly in the New York Times, Washington Post, and on NPR as well as in Forbes, The Telegraph, CBS News, ABC News, The Atlantic, The Guardian, Seventeen Magazine, Vogue Australia, etc. A complete list of publications is here.
I received my PhD in Human-Centered Computing in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech where I was advised by Dr. Amy Bruckman. During my graduate work, I interned with HP Lab's Social Computing group and Microsoft Research's Social Media Group. I received my MS from the School of Information at UC Berkeley and my BA from Dartmouth College in Computer Engineering. I am half Indian and half Australian.