
[J.18] Jane Im, Sarita Schoenebeck, Marilyn Iriarte, Gabriel Grill, Daricia Wilkinson, Amna Batool, Rahaf Alharb, Audrey Funwie, Tergel Gankhuu, Eric Gilbert, Mustafa Naseem. (forthcoming 2022). Women's Perspectives on Harm and Justice after Online Harassment. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI - CSCW `22)}.

[J.17] Penny Trieu, Ellison NB, Schoenebeck SY, Brewer RN. Implications of Facebook Engagement Types and Feed's Social Content for Self-Esteem via Social Comparison Processes. Social Media + Society. July 2021.

[J.16] Bayer JB, Penny Trieu, Ellison N, Schoenebeck, Falk EB. Rejection sensitivity and interaction quality in everyday life. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2021;38(12):3646-3668.

[J.15] Sarita Schoenebeck, Lindsay Blackwell. (2021). "Reimagining Social Media Governance: Harm, Accountability, and Repair." Yale Journal of Law and Technology, 23, Justice Collaboratory Special Issue 1.

[J.14] Sarita Y. Schoenebeck, Carol F. Scott, Emma Hurley, Tammy Chang, Ellen Selkie. (2021). "Youth Trust in Social Media Companies and Expectations of Justice: Accountability and Repair after Online Harassment." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW '21).

[J.13] Robin N Brewer, Sarita Schoenebeck, Kerry Lee, Haripriya Suryadevara. (2021). "Challenging Passive Social Media Use: Older Adults as Caregivers Online.." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI - CSCW '21).

[J.12] Ellison, Nicole B., Penny Trieu, Sarita Schoenebeck, Robin Brewer, and Aarti Israni. "Why We Don't Click: Interrogating the Relationship Between Viewing and Clicking in Social Media Contexts by Exploring the "Non-Click"." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 25, no. 6 (2020): 402-426

[J.11] Sarita Y. Schoenebeck and Paul Conway. (2020). "Data and Power: Archival Appraisal Theory as a Framework for Data Preservation." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW '20). Best Paper Honorable Mention.

[J.10] Sarita Y. Schoenebeck, Oliver Haimson, Lisa Nakamura. (2020). "Drawing from Justice Theories to Support Targets of Online Harassment." New Media & Society.
[consent form] [survey items]

[J.9] Tawfiq Ammari, Sarita Schoenebeck, Daniel Romero. (2019). " Self-declared throwaway accounts on Reddit: How platform affordances and shared norms enable parenting disclosure and support. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM HCI - CSCW '19).

[J.8] Nora McDonald, Sarita Y. Schoenebeck, Andrea Forte. (2019). "Reliability and Inter-rater Reliability in Qualitative Research: Norms and Guidelines for CSCW and HCI Practice." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW '19).

[J.7] Lindsay Blackwell, Jill Dimond, Sarita Schoenebeck, Cliff Lampe. (2018). "Classification and its Consequences for Online Harassment: Design Insights from HeartMob." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (CSCW '18).
[consent form] [interview protocol 1] [interview protocol 2]

[J.6] Patton, D. U., MacBeth, J., Schoenebeck, S., Shear, K., & McKeown, K. (2018). Accommodating Grief on Twitter: An Analysis of Expressions of Grief Among Gang Involved Youth on Twitter Using Qualitative Analysis and Natural Language Processing. Biomedical informatics insights, 10, 1178222618763155.

[J.5] Trieu, P., Bayer, J.B., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S. (2017). " Who Likes to Be Reachable? Availability Preferences, Weak Ties, and Bridging Social Capital." Information, Communication & Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2017.1405060.

[J.4] Bayer, J. B., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., Brady, E., & Falk, E. B. (2017). "Facebook in Context(s): Measuring Emotional Responses Across Time and Space." New Media & Society, 1461-4448.

[J.3] Bayer, J. B., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Falk, E. B. (2015). "Sharing the Small Moments: Ephemeral Social Interaction on Snapchat." Information, Communication & Society, 19, 956-977.

[J.2] Sarita Yardi and danah boyd. ""Dynamic Debates: An Analysis of Group Polarization over Time on Twitter." Special Issue on Persistence and Change in Social Media. In Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30(5), Oct 2010.

[J.1] Yardi, S., Krolikowski, P., Marshall, T., and Bruckman, A. (2008). " An HCI Approach to Computing in the Real World." Journal of Educational Resources in Computing. 8, 3 (Oct. 2008), 1-20.

[C.44] Carol Moser, Sarita Y. Schoenebeck, Paul Resnick. (2019). "Impulse Buying: Design Practices and Consumer Needs." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI `19).
[consent form] [survey protocol]

[C.43] Lindsay Blackwell, Tianying Chen, Sarita Schoenebeck, Cliff Lampe. (2018). "When Online Harassment is Perceived as Justified." In Proceedings of the AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM `18). Stanford, CA. June 25-28, 2018.
[consent form] [experiment 1 protocol] [experiment 2 protocol]

[C.42] Joey Chiao-Yin Hsiao, Carol Moser, Sarita Schoenebeck, Tawanna Dillahunt. (2018). "The Role of Demographics, Trust, Computer Self-Efficacy, and Ease of Use in the Sharing Economy." In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2018). Menlo Park, CA. June 21-22, 2018.

[C.41] Tawfiq Ammari, Sarita Schoenebeck, Daniel Romero. (2018). "Pseudonymous Parents: Comparing Parenting Roles and Identities on the Mommit and Daddit Subreddits." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18). Montreal, Canada. Apr 21-26, 2018.

[C.40] Carol Moser, Paul Resnick, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2017). "Community Commerce: Facilitating Trust in Mom-to-Mom Sale Groups on Facebook." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). Denver, CO. May 6-11, 2017. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
[consent form] [web consent form] [interview protocol] [survey protocol]

[C.39] Kai Lukoff, Carol Moser, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2017). "Gender Norms about Childcare in Online Father Blogs." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). Denver, CO. May 6-11, 2017.
[consent form] [experiment protocol]

[C.38] Carol Moser, Tianying Chen, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2017). "Parents' and Children's Preferences about Parents Sharing about Children on Social Media." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). Denver, CO. May 6-11, 2017.
[parent consent form] [child assent form] [parent survey protocol] [child survey protocol]

[C.37] Carol Moser, Chanda Phelan, Paul Resnick, Sarita Schoenebeck, Katharina Reinecke. (2017). "No Such Thing as Too Much Chocolate: Evidence Against Choice Overload in E-Commerce." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). Denver, CO. May 6-11, 2017.
[consent form] [survey protocol] [eCommerce site]

[C.36] Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y., Lindtner, S. (2017). "The Crafting of DIY Fatherhood." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '17). Portland, OR. Feb 25- March 1, 2017.

[C.35] Wang, G., Schoenebeck, S. Y., Zheng, H., & Zhao, B. Y. (2016, March). ""Will Check-in for Badges": Understanding Bias and Misbehavior on Location-Based Social Networks." In AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2016 (ICWSM '16). Cologne, Germany, May 17-20, 2016.

[C.34] Svetlana Yarosh, Sarita Schoenebeck, Shreya Kothaneth, Elizabeth Bales. (2016). ""Best of Both Worlds:" Opportunities for Technology in Cross-Cultural Parenting." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). San Jose, CA. May 7-12, 2016.

[C.33] Lindsay Blackwell, Jean Hardy, Tawfiq Ammari, Tiffany Veinot, Cliff Lampe, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2016). "LGBT Parents and Social Media: Advocacy, Privacy, and Disclosure during Shifting Social Movements." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). San Jose, CA. May 7-12, 2016. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
[consent form] [oral consent form] [interview protocol]

[C.32] Carol Moser, Sarita Schoenebeck, Katharina Reinecke. (2016). "Technology at the Table: Attitudes about Mobile Phone Use at Mealtimes." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). San Jose, CA. May 7-12, 2016.

[C.31] Lindsay Blackwell, Emma Gardiner, Sarita Schoenebeck. (2016). "Managing Expectations: Technology Tensions among Parents and Teens." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '16). San Francisco, CA. Feb 27-Mar 2, 2016.
[child assent form] [parent consent form] [child consent form] [parent consent form]

[C.30] Alexis Hiniker, Sarita Schoenebeck, and Julie Kientz. (2016). "Not at the Dinner Table: Parents' and Children's Perspectives on Family Technology Rules." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '16). San Francisco, CA. Feb 27-Mar 2, 2016.
[parent consent form] [child assent form] [parent survey protocol] [child survey protocol]

[C.29] Sarita Schoenebeck, Nicole B. Ellison, Lindsay Blackwell, Joseph Bayer, and Emily Falk. (2016). "Playful Backstalking and Serious Impression Management: How Young Adults Reflect on their Past Identities on Facebook." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '16). San Francisco, CA. Feb 27-Mar 2, 2016.

[C.28] Tawfiq Ammari and Sarita Schoenebeck (2016). "Thanks for your interest in our Facebook group, but it's only for dads:" Social Roles of Stay-at-Home Dads." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '16). San Francisco, CA. Feb 27-Mar 2, 2016.

[C.27] Tao Dong, Mark W. Newman, Mark S. Ackerman, and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). "Supporting Reflection Through Play: Field Testing the Home Trivia System." In Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '15). Osaka, Japan. September 07-11, 2015.

[C.26] Ammari, T., Kumar, P., Lampe, C., and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). "Managing Children's Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.

[C.25] Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). "Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015. Best Paper Award.
[consent form] [interview protocol]

[C.24] Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). "Networked Empowerment on Facebook Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.

[C.23] Kumar, P. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). "The Modern Day Baby Book: Enacting Good Mothering and Stewarding Privacy on Facebook." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '15). Vancouver, Canada. March 14-18, 2015.

[C.22] Ammari, T., Morris, M.R., Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2014). "Accessing Social Support and Overcoming Judgment on Social Media among Parents of Children with Special Needs.." In AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2014 (ICWSM '14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 1-4, 2014.
[consent form] [survey protocol] [interview protocol]

[C.21] Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2014). "Giving up Twitter for Lent: How and Why We Take Breaks from Social Media." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). Toronto, Canada. April 26-May 1, 2014.

[C.20] Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2013). "The Secret Life of Online Moms: Anonymity and Disinhibition on" In Proceedings of the AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2013 (ICWSM '13). Boston, MA, July 8-11, 2013.

[C.19] Wyche, S.P., Forte, A., and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2013). "Hustling Online: Understanding Consolidated Facebook Use in an Informal Settlement in Nairobi." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13). Paris, France. Apr 27-May 2, 2013. Best Paper Honorable Mention.

[C.18] Hutto, C.J., Schoenebeck, S.Y., and Gilbert, E. (2013). "A Longitudinal Study of Follow Predictors on Twitter." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13). Paris, France. Apr 27-May 2, 2013.

[C.17] Wyche, S.P., Schoenebeck, S.Y., and Forte, A. (2013). "'Facebook is a Luxury': An Exploratory Study of Social Media Use in Rural Kenya." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '13). San Antonio, TX. Feb 23-27, 2013. (36% acceptance rate).

[C.16] Yardi, S., Bruckman, A. (2012). "Income, Race, and Class: Exploring Socioeconomic Differences in Family Technology Use." In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI `12). Austin, Texas. May 5-10, 2012.

[C.15] Yardi, S., Bruckman, A. (2011). "Social and Technical Challenges in Parenting Teens' Social Media Use." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'11). Vancouver, Canada. May 7-12, 2011.

[C.14] DiSalvo, B., Yardi, S., Guzdial, M., McKlin, T., Meadows, C., Perry, K., Bruckman, A. (2011). "Young African American Men Constructing Computing Identity." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'11). Vancouver, Canada. May 7-12, 2011.

[C.13] Dimond, J., Poole, E., and Yardi, S. (2010). "The Effects of Life Disruptions on Home Technology Routines." In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'10). Sanibel Island, FL, Nov 7-10, 2010.

[C.12] Golder, S., Yardi, S. (2010). "Structural Predictors of Tie Formation in Twitter: Transitivity and Mutuality." In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom'10). Minneapolis, MN, Aug 20-22, 2010.

[C.11] Yardi, S., boyd, d. (2010). "Tweeting From the Town Square: Measuring Geographic Local Networks." AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2010 (ICWSM'10). Washington, DC, May 23-26, 2010.

[C.10] Yardi, S., Poole, Erika S. (2009). "Please Help! Patterns of Personalization in an Online Tech Support Discussion Board." In Proceedings of Communities and Technologies 2009 (C&T'09). State College, PA, Jun 25-27, 2009.

[C.9] Yardi, S., Golder, S., Brzozowski, M. (2009). "Blogging at Work: an Attention Economy on the Web." In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'09). Boston, MA, Apr 4-9, 2009.

[C.8] Bruckman, A., Biggers, M., Ericson, B., McKlin, T., Dimond, J., DiSalvo, B., Hewner, M., Ni, L. and Yardi, S. (2009). "Georgia Computes: Improving the Entire Computing Education Pipeline." In Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE'09), ACM, Chattanooga, TN, USA, 2009.

[C.7] Yardi, S., Feamster, N., Bruckman, A. (2008). "Photo-Based Authentication Using Social Networks." ACM Sigcomm Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN'08). Seattle, WA, Aug 18, 2008.

[C.6] Yardi, S & Perkel, D. "Understanding Classroom Culture through a Theory of Dialogism: What Happens When Cheating and Collaboration Collide?." In Proceedings of the 2007 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL'07). Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, USA, July 16-July 21, 2007.

[C.5] Yardi, S. "The Role of the Backchannel in Collaborative Learning Environments." In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS'06). Indiana University, IN, USA, June 27-July 1, 2006.

[C.4] Yardi, S. "ClassChat: A Tool for Visualizing Backchannel Discussions." In Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts, Consequences Conference. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 Sep, 2006.

[C.3] Chan, S., Hill, B. and Yardi, S. 2005. "VERN: Facilitating Democratic Group Decision Making Online." In Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'10). Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, November 6-9, 2005. GROUP '05. (27% acceptance rate)

[C.2] Chan, S., Hill, B. and Yardi, S. 2005. "Instant Messaging: Accountability and Peripheral Participation In Textual User Interfaces." In Proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'10). Sanibel Island, FL, USA, November 6-9, 2005. GROUP '05.

[C.1] Hill, B. & Yardi, S. "VERN: Group Decision Making Online." In the 2nd Conference on Online Deliberation: Design, Research, and Practice / DIAC-2005, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. May, 2005.

[c.9] Fischer, C., Fishman, B., Schoenebeck, S.. (2018, April). Professional development in 140 characters? Analyzing Twitter as a professional learning platform for science teachers. Paper presented at the 2018 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

[c.8] Trieu, P., Bayer, J., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Falk, E. (2017, May). Who Likes to Be Reachable? Availability Preferences, Tie Strength, and Perceptions of Social Capital. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA. Top Paper Award for the Communication and Technology division.

[c.7] Bayer, J., Trieu, P., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Falk, E. (2017, May). Rejection Sensitivity Widens the Affect Gap between Strong and Weak Ties. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, USA.

[c.6] Bayer, J. B., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., Brady, E., & Falk, E. B. (2015). Facebook in Context: Social Capital and Mood Across Time and Space. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

[c.5] Bayer, J. B., Ellison, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Falk, E. B. (2015). Sharing "Moments" on Snapchat for Short-Term Well-Being. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

[c.4] Schoenebeck, S.Y., Bruckman, A. (2013). ``If We Build it, Will They Come? Designing a Community-Based Online Site for Parents.'' In Proceedings of the iConference (iConference '13). Fort Worth, TX. Feb 12-15, 2013.

[c.3] Sarita Yardi, Daniel M. Romero, Grant Schoenebeck, and danah boyd. " Detecting Spam in a Twitter Network." First Monday. 15, 2 (Jan 2010).

[c.2] Lampe, C., Resnick, P., Forte, A., Yardi, S., Rotman, D., Marshall, T., Lutters, W. "Educational Priorities for Technology-Mediated Social Participation." IEEE Computer, November,2010.

[c.1] Sarita Yardi. "Technical Capital and Social Learning on the Web." ACM Crossroads Special Issue on the Social Web. 16, 2 (Nov. 2009), 9-11.

[BC.2] Yardi, S (2008). "Whispering, Chatting, and Learning in a Classroom Backchannel." MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning - Digital Youth, Innovation, and the Unexpected (ed. Tara McPherson). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 143-164.

[BC.1] Yardi, S. (2008). "From Multimedia to Multiple Voices: Conflicts in Collaborative Learning Cultures." Informal Learning and Digital Media." Eds. Drotner, K., Jensen, H. and Schroder, K. Cambridge Scholars: UK, 2008.

[c.6] Dimond, J., Yardi, S., and Guzdial, M. (2009). "Mediating Programming through Chat for the OLPC." In Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems SIGCHI Work in Progress. Boston, MA, Apr, 2009.

[c.5] Yardi, S. (2008). "Modeling the Flow of Information in a Social Network." ACM SIGCOMM 2008 Poster. Seattle, WA. Aug 17-22, 2008.

[c.4] Yardi, S. "Remixing in the Classroom: Conflicts in Cheating and Collaboration: Applying a Theory of Dialogism to Classroom Culture." In Media in Transitions 5: creativity, ownership and collaboration in the digital age International Conference. MIT, Boston, MA, April 27-29, 2007.

[c.3] Yardi, S. "A Classroom Tool for Visualizing Backchannel Discussions." In Thinking Through New Media 2006 Conference. Duke University, Durham, NC, June 6-8, 2006.

[c.2] Yardi, S., Hill, B. and Chan, S. 2005. "VERN: Facilitating Group Democratic Group Decision Making Online." In The 2nd Intl Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society 2005. Hyderabad, India, Dec. 12-15, 2005.

[c.1] Susan Gov, Sarita Yardi, Amy Bruckman. "Managing Identities Across Multiple Online Communities." UNC Social Software Symposium. Chapel Hill, NC. December 8-9, 2006.

[W.9] Emma Beyers-Carlson, Sarita Schoenebeck, Brenda Volling. Questions and Concerns on BabyCenter about the Transition to the Second Child. In Paper Symposium "Is it Easier the Second Time? Parenting across the Transition from One Child to Two" at Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2019.

[W.8] Jed Brubaker, Jofish Kaye, Sarita Schoenebeck, Janet Vertesi. Visibility in Digital Space: Controlling Personal Information Online. Panel at CSCW 2016.

[W.7] Karen E. Fisher, Eliza T. Dresang, Katie Davis, Allison Druin, Sarita Yardi. Digital Youth Workshop: Calling all Designers, Researchers and Policy Makers. Workshop at iConference 2013.

[W.6] Bernstein, M., Conover, M., Geiger, R., Hill, B., Keegan, B., Monroy-Hern\`{a}ndez, A., Shaw, A., Yardi, S., Bruckman, A. Lessons From Deviance and Failure in Social Computing. Panel at CHI '12.

[W.4] Rotman, D., Vieweg, S., Yardi, S., Chi, E., Preece, J., Shneiderman, B., Pirolli, P., Glaisyer, T. From Slacktivism to Activism: Participatory Culture in the Age of Social Media." In Proceedings of the 29th international Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI `11). Vancouver, CA, May 7-12, 2011.

[W.3] Bruckman, A., Karahalios, K., Kraut, K., Poole, E., Thomas, J., Yardi, S.. "Research Ethics in the Facebook Era Revisited." CSCW 2010 workshop. Feb 6, 2010, Savannah, GA.

[W.2] Bos, N., Karahalios, K., Musgrove-Chavez, M., Poole, E. S., Thomas, J. C., and Yardi, S. (2009). "Research ethics in the Facebook era: privacy, anonymity and the IRB." In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'09). Boston, MA, Apr 4-9, 2009.

[W.1] Moderators: Sarita Yardi, Amy Bruckman. Panelists: Allison Druin, Robin Jeffries, Yasmin Kafai. 2007. "Broadening the Field of Computing Through a Design-Based HCI Curriculum." In Proceedings of the 2007 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Orlando, FL. Oct. 17-20, 2007.

[P.5] Discussant: Amy Bruckman, Panelists: David Gurzick, Cliff Lampe, Fred Stutzman, Sarita Yardi. Mulching Youth and Technology." CSCW 2010 panel. Feb 6-10, 2010, Savannah, GA.

[P.4] Fred Stutzman, Amanda Lenhart, Heather Attig, Sarita Yardi. 2009. "Research on Late Adopters of Social Network Sites." Internet Research 10.0. Milwaukee, WI, October 7-10, 2009.

[P.3] Chair: danah boyd, Panelists: Lisa Tripp, Rebecca Stephenson, Sarita Yardi, Patricia Lange, Sonja Baumer, Christo Sims, Heather Horst. "Growing Up Connected: Ways of Knowing through Participatory Culture." Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 11-13, 2007.

[P.2] Sarita Yardi, Dan Perkel. "Digital Kids Describe Digital Lives." Chairs: Cynthia Carter Ching, Yasmin Kafai. Other Panelists: Brigid Barron, Kevin Leander, Christopher Hoadley, Christine Wang. Discussant: Marina Bers. "Technobiographies: Researching Life Stories with Technology." Interactive Symposium, 2007 American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL, April 9-13, 2007.

[P.1] Sarita Yardi. "The Evolution of the Turtle: Designing Social Networks for New Learning Communities." Panelists: Judd Antin, Heather Horst, Christo Sims, Patricia Lange. "Dude, that's MySpace: Digital Media in Kids' Everyday Lives." 67th Society for Applied Anthropology. Tampa, FL. March 27-31, 2007.

[D.2] Yardi, S. "Teens as Designers of Social Networks." Communities and Technologies 2009 (C&T 2009). State College, PA, Jun 25-27, 2009.

[D.1] Yardi, S. 2007. "From Functional to Fun: End User Development for Teenagers." In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2007). Sep 23 - 27, 2007. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 272-274. (30% acceptance rate)

[w.7] Schoenebeck, S. (2014). " Developing Healthy Habits with Social Media: Theorizing the Cycle of Overuse and Taking Breaks." In Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM SIGCHI workshop: Refusing, Limiting, Departing: Why We Should Study Technology Non-use. Toronto, CANADA, Apr, 2014.

[w.6] Liu, Z., Yardi, S.., and Stasko, J. (2009). " Do you know what you did last summer? Visualizing personal behavior in Google services." In Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM SIGCHI workshop: Know Thyself: Monitoring and Reflecting on Facets of One's Life. Atlanta, GA, Apr, 2010.

[w.5] Scott A. Golder, Sarita Yardi, Alice Marwick and danah boyd. (2009). " A Structural Approach to Contact Recommendations in Online Social Networks." Workshop on Search in Social Media at ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval. July 23, 2009, Boston, MA.

[w.4] Yardi, S., and Bruckman, A. (2009). "Teens as Designers of Social Networks." In Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM SIGCHI workshop: Socially Mediating Technologies. Boston, MA, Apr, 2009.

[w.3] Yardi, S., Luther, K., Diakopoulos, N., and Bruckman, A. (2008). " Opening the Black Box: Four Views of Transparency in Remix Culture." CSCW workshop: Tinkering, Tailoring, & Mashing: The Social and Collaborative Practices of the Read-Write Web. San Diego, CA, Nov 9, 2008.

[w.2] Brzozowski, M., Yardi, S.(2008). "Revealing the Long Tail in Office Conversations." CSCW workshop: What to expect from Enterprise 3.0: Adapting Web 2.0 to Corporate Reality. San Diego, CA, Nov 8, 2008.

[w.1] Yardi, S. & Bruckman, A. (2007). " What Is Computing? Bridging the Gap Between Teenagers' Perceptions and Graduate Students' Experiences." In ICER'07: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computing Education Research. Atlanta, GA. Sep 13-15, 2007.

[B.1] Ito, M., S. Baumer, M. Bittanti, d. boyd, R. Cody, B. Herr, H. Horst, P. Lange, D. Mahendran, K. Martinez, C.J. Pascoe, D. Perkel, L. Robinson, C. Sims, and L. Tripp. (with J. Antin, M. Finn, A. Law, A. Manion, S. Mitnick, D. Schlossberg and S. Yardi) " Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out: Living and Learning with New Media." Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009.